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❤ LoVe Don't Lie ❤

Friday, December 17, 2010


How should i write about the day? Lets put it this way. 昨天去弄了头发.
不是很满意太薄了. 前面头发又太扁了. 我所顾虑的问题通通出现了.
可是只得看开点. 只希望头发快快长回来. 拜托.
By the way, needs to thx to my sis who accompany me to the saloon.
My sis waited me for 3hours in the saloon. Thankyouverymuch!
After that, lets go shopping. YUHUUU...

CCC...the volume of my hair is just half of what i use to have.
SOB. i'm REGRET tht i did not stop the hair stylish.

Shop shop shop...spend spend spend...


Today is a busy day. After class went-ed home 
& get prepared for family photo shooting.
family photo shooting for the graduater family is like a tradition for everyone.
And it same goes to my family as well.

photo shooting ISssss soO TIRINGggg.
Tomorrow is another busy day. T.hee.
Sometime busy make ppl tired but at the same time also make me feel 充实.



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